Louisiana Grills 40 lb Bag Cherry Blend Hardwood Cooking Premium Pellets 55404
Louisiana Grills 40 lbs Cherry Premium Blend Grilling Pellets 55404
Fire up your pellet grill, because with 40 pounds of Louisiana Grills Cherry Blend Hardwood Grilling Pellets, you'll have plenty of fuel to cook up a storm on the patio or deck for a long time to come. Louisiana Grills BBQ Pellets burn hotter and cleaner than other types of wood pellets. It brings a slightly sweet but also caressed and lends a pink tint to light meats. For use in pellet grills, this raw wood is sourced in North America to make a superior product.
• Pennsylvania cherry pellet is a 40/60 cherry and maple blend.
• Slightly sweet but also caressed and lends a pink tint to light meats.
• For use in pellet grills.
• Our raw wood is sourced in North America to make a superior product.